socialite with laravel. [Login with => Facebook, Google, Twitter] e.t.c social site.

First We should install Laravel Socialite:
composer require laravel/socialite

After installing the Socialite library, register the Laravel\Socialite\SocialiteServiceProvider in your config/app.phpconfiguration file:
'providers' => [
    // Other service providers...

Also, add the Socialite facade to the aliases array in your app configuration file:
'Socialite' => Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite::class,
Configuration Part-2: 

Before using Socialite, you will also need to add credentials for the OAuth services your application utilizes. These credentials should be placed in your config/services.phpconfiguration file, and should use the key facebooktwitterlinkedingooglegithub or bitbucket, depending on the providers your application requires. For example:
'github' => [
    'client_id' => env('GITHUB_CLIENT_ID'),         // Your GitHub Client ID
    'client_secret' => env('GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET'), // Your GitHub Client Secret
    'redirect' => 'http://your-callback-url',
Now Follow the Main Documents:
OR, Follow Me : 👦

Make  2 routes:

  1.  for => redirect To Provider :
    1. Route::get('login/{service}', 'Auth\LoginController@redirectToProvider_all');
  2. for => handle Provider Callback:
    1. Route::get('login/{service}/callback', 'Auth\LoginController@handleProviderCallback_all');

Copy  3 methods from below and paste in LoginController.php:

/**it works for all socials: facebook, twitter,google **/
 * Redirect the user to the Google/e.t.c authentication page.
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function redirectToProvider_all($service){
    //$this->check = $loginid;
    return Socialite::driver($service)->redirect();

 * Obtain the user information from Google/e.t.c.
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response

public function handleProviderCallback_all($service){

    $user = Socialite::driver($service)->stateless()->user();
    $access_token = $user->token;
    $name = $user->name;
    $email = $user->email;
    $pass = $user->id;

        $user_array = array();
        $user_array['email'] = $email;
        $user_array['password'] = $pass;

        /*For Login */
            return Redirect::to('/home');
            echo "pass incorrect";
        return User::create([
            'name' => $name,
            'email' => $email,
            'password' => Hash::make($pass),
public function isRegistered($mail){

    $user = User::where('email', $mail)->first();
    if ($user) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

Now the Last work is:

Do What ever You want.


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